Monday, December 1, 2014

Post #12

Video #3 Principles of Design

Define principles of design? 
Principles of design are guidelines for using elements of design. 

What do the principles of design affect?
They affect how we use elements of design effectively.

What is the difference between the principles of design and C.R.A.P.? How can contrast help a design?
Principles of design are guidelines for using elements of design while C.R.A.P. are principles that are applied to an artwork that will make or break a design. C.R.A.P. stands for contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Contrast help a design by creating a focal point and without it the pieces in an artwork will get lost.

What is wrong with having too much or too little contrast in a design?

Too much or too little contrast in a design will be too overwhelming for an audience or they will lose interest.

What is the key to working with contrast? 
The key is to make a design easily visible with contrast and don't use too much or too little. 

What are some common ways of creating contrast?

Some common ways to create contrast is by using black and white in a design and use complementary colors. 

What is the principle of repetition? 

The principle of repetition is repeating designs/images over again and again. 

Describe ways that the principle of repetition helps the composition?

Repetition helps the composition by making it easier for a design to stand out because all the images are the same. 

What are ways that you can incorporate repetition into your designs? 

We can incorporate repetition into our designs by placing the images into the design and making them different sizes and colors.

What should you avoid when working with repetition? 

We should avoid same colors schemes and sizes when dealing with repetition because we need to find a balance between repetition and contrast.

What is the principle of alignment? 

Alignment is centering, using lines, and making everything straight. 

What is the principle of proximity? 

We can use proximity to create alignment and proximity is using related elements like email address and phone number. 

What is the principle of proportion?

Proportion is relation in size and parts. We use this to make objects in a design look good. 

Define symmetrical balance?

It is having equal weight and size of a object in a design. 

What is another name for asymmetrical balance? 

Another name is informal balance. 

Define asymmetrical balance? 

It is lacking symmetry and does not have identical parts.

What is a focal point and how is it created?

A focal point is the element in a design that catches attention and is the main center of attention. It is created by colors, tones, and composition. 

How many components of a composition can be a focal point?

More than one component of a composition can be a focal point. 
What ways can emphasis be created in a design?

Emphasis can be created in a design by adding color, value, and shapes in a design.

What is the principle of harmony and how is it different from unity?

Harmony is using similar elements in a design like lines and shapes, but is used like a reflection. It is different from unity because it does not deal with balance and symmetry. 

What is the principle of unity? What three ways can unity be obtained?

Unity is using all the elements to make a completed design. 3 ways it can be obtained is by united voices, strategic colors, and texture. 

What is the principle of variety?

By using variety an artwork can be unique. 

What three ways can a designer add variety to a design?

A designer can add variety to a design by using different pattern, color, and size.

Post #11

Who is Andy Warhol? 
He was an American artist who was famous for using pop art in his artwork.

Within what art genre did Warhol work? He worked with pop art.

Define the genre? 
Pop art deals with modern art like magazines, movies, cans/bottles, and popular music.

During what years was he alive? 
He was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and died on February 22, 1987 in New York City, New York at age 58.

Post 2 samples of his art. Answer the following questions for each piece.

Title of the piece? 
The artwork on the left side is named Marilyn Diptych and the one on the right is named Campbell's Soup Cans.

Describe the color that he utilizes. Does he use any particular color scheme?
For the Marilyn Diptych artwork, Andy Warhol used contrast, brightness, black and white, yellow, pink, and sky blue. For the Campbell's Soup Cans he used red, silver, and white color for the cans.

What do you notice about the artwork itself?
I noticed that Andy Warhol's artwork is very simple and his artwork repeats itself. The color schemes go well together too.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Post #10

Compare and contrast vector graphics and pixel images.
Vector graphics is using shapes or geometric objects like lines, points, curves, etc to make an image.
Pixel images are images made up of different dot colors like red, blue, or green.

What resolution is necessary to print raster images?
The resolution should be at least 300 pixels

What resolution is necessary to display raster images on the internet?
The resolution should be 72 pixels or more pixels

Post #9

Who is Steve Jobs?
Steve Jobs was the co-founder, entrepreneur, and CEO of the Apple company.

What company was he CEO for many years? Apple Inc.

What did he do for the computer industry? 
He invented new personal computers/laptops and created new  types of computer/laptop names.  

How did this man impact the graphic design industry? 
Steve Jobs impacted the graphic design industry by creating his Apple logo and it became a famous logo. Today, Apple is one of the most successful company selling Iphones, Ipods, and computers/laptops throughout the world.

Post #8

Why must designers pay close attention to how color is utilized within a composition?
Designers must pay close attention to color used within a composition because if they don't use correct color schemes, their artwork will not stand out and interest people.  

Why is the color wheel an important tool for graphic designers?
The color wheel is an important tool for graphic designers because it shows them the different colors they can use in their artwork and what color schemes designers should decide on. 

Find an example of neutral colors utilized within a design (hint: google poster design). Near the sample, discuss why you feel the designer included neutral colors within the composition.

I think the designer included neutral colors within the composition because they wanted to make the picture warm and cozy, so people can look at it. If the designer created the picture using neon colors, it will make people's eyes hurt.

Briefly describe how we "see" the color of an object?
We "see" the color of an object by the cones in our eyes. An object is reflected by white light and it absorbs it as well, that's why we see the color. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Post #7

Video #2 Color Theory- part 1 & 2

Describe white light?

White light comes from the sun and made up of all colors. The spectrum makes white light.

How do we see color if objects "have no color of their own"?

We see color by primary cortex and it comes from our brain.

What seven colors result when white light is refracted through a prism?

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet

Describe hue?
Hue is color or shade and was very important to Aristotle.

What happens with white? 
White acts as a tint and makes an object appear brighter

What happens with black?
Black acts as a shadow of an object if used and it makes an object appear darker.

How color is perceived depends on what?
It depends on people's cone cells.

What is a color wheel? 
A color wheel is a circle diagram that shows a connection with other colors 

What are primary colors? Name them? 
Primary colors came from the world of business and are basic colors. You cannot make primary colors, you have to start with them and mix it to make other colors. They are red, yellow, and blue. 

What are secondary colors? Name them? 
Secondary colors are yellow, magenta, and cyan and they are additive colors. They are made from primary colors. 

What are tertiary colors? Name them? 
They are colors made by from mixing one primary with a secondary color, but must be located next to each other on the color wheel. Tertiary colors are yellow-green, red-orange, blue-violet

What are neutral colors? How can they be created? 
They are black, white, gray, and sometimes brown and beige. They are created from mixing tertiary colors.

How can a neutral color help a design?
It can neutral color help a design by making a picture or an object stand out more with undertones or shadows. 

What are complementary colors? Name them? 
They are colors opposite each other on the color wheel like red and green or blue and orange. 

What is color value? 
A color value is the lightness, darkness, or highlight of an object and it's very important to artists.  

What is a shade? 
A shade is a color that shows contrast to other colors. Like there's many shades of blue- sky blue, medium blue, or dark blue and they all are blue, but they're different colors. 

What is a tint?
A tint is a lighter or darker shade of a color

What is saturation/intensity?
Saturation/intensity is the amount of brightness or darkness shade of a color.

What happens when you mix complementary colors together? 

When mixed, they make neutral colors.

What is a color scheme? 

A color scheme is an arrangement of colors that make pictures stand out and look good.

Describe a monochromatic color scheme? 
It is tints, shades, and tones of a single color. It makes pictures look nicer than they really are because of the undertones or shadows of the color.

Describe an analogous color scheme? 
It is 3 colors next to each other on the color wheel and they make a picture look like its blended.

Describe a complementary color scheme?
A complementary color scheme is not a very good color scheme for beginners because it's tricky and people can mess up a lot.

Describe a split-complementary color scheme? 
It is made up of 3 colors. The base color is on the opposite side of the other 2 colors on the color wheel and basically it makes a triangle. It's a good color scheme for beginners.

Describe a triad color scheme? 

A triad color scheme uses 3 colors that is split evenly on the color wheel and make pictures vibrant.

What colors are considered to be warm colors? 
They are red, orange, yellow, and brown/tan shades.

Describe the psychology of a warm color scheme?
A warm color scheme is used for drawings of sunsets, fires, the sun, or heat.

What colors are considered to be cool colors? 

Cool colors are green, blue, and purple shades.

Describe the psychology of a cool color scheme?

A cool color scheme makes everything seem calmer and peaceful.

Why is important to consider which colors are being used within a design?

Because with good colors, a picture can seem more interesting than it really is and it draws more attention. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Post #6

What is the pen tool used for?
The pen tool is used for creating anchor points and it helps connect the points together to make an object or shape.

How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool. Pen+, pen-,and convert tool.
You can manipulate a path/line in Illustrator by using the white arrow tool and the pen tool because it allows you to trace or create your path/lines. The white arrow tool allows you to select a segment and an anchor point of an object or shape. The pen+ tool allows you to click on a path segment to add anchor points to the object/shape. The pen- tool allows you to click on an anchor point to remove it from the object/shape. The convert tool allows you to make the line of the object/shape curve.

How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator? 

You can utilize the layers palette by clicking on the window tab at the top of the page in Illustrator, then click layers, and now the layers tool box is open. You use the layers palette to separate the different elements of a picture.

How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator? 
You can create a clipping mask by clicking on the clipping mask icon, then move the clipping mask and objects you want to crop into a layer, next in the layers box click the name of the layer after you check that the masking object is at the top of the layer, and lastly click the make/release clipping masks button on the bottom of the layers box.

Post #5

For each of the 5 elements of design (shape, line, texture, space, value), find an example that utilizes each element within the design (Google search for poster design, advertisement, etc.). You should have 5 DIFFERENT sample designs.  For each, evaluate the design in 4 to 5 sentences.  Label each with the appropriate element.  Then, discuss how that particular element is used and how it enhances the design.


This image represents shape because it's all made up of squares and rectangles. The shape is 2 dimensional, not 3 dimensional. This image represents the artwork of artist Piet Mondrian. The shape has five colors- white, black, yellow, red, and blue. Shapes are usually 2-D and it's easy to draw. It enhances the design by making the image simple, flat, and it represents the width, length, and height too.


This is an image of an apple and it represents the element line. This whole image was created by using only lines. Typically apples are round, but in this case the apple is curvy not straight. Lines come in many different forms- straight, curvy, wavy, etc. Line is demonstrated in this image as vertical, horizontal, and curvy. This element also define the edges of the form.


This is a picture of the ground and is an example of texture. The texture of the ground would probably be hard and not soft. If people were to touch this, it probably would not feel nice. It's a rough texture because the surface of the ground is hard and it has cracks. This image also demonstrates line because the cracks make the lines curvy and a little bit of zig-zag. This element shows that the texture is not a raised texture and it enhances the design by showing people that the ground has some depth and detail in it, not just a flat surface. 


This image represents space because it is in black and white. There is space between the two faces and the white trophy. If you look closely, the image is a 2 in 1 picture. There are two people with black faces and a white trophy in the middle of the two faces. There are distances or areas around the image and space can be white and black or white by itself and black by itself. Space also enhances the design by making an illusion of an image. 


This is a picture of a sphere and it represents value. The picture demonstrates value because there is lightness and darkness in the picture. The colors included in this image are black, gray, and white. Form (3-D shape) appears in this image as well. Value is a very important technique in art for artists. Value enhances the design by making a spatial illusion of the image.

Post #4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate?
Icons can be used to communicate because people from all over the world would understand them and know what the image represents

Via the internet, find 2 examples of common icons that clearly communicate their message. 

2 examples of common icons are the left arrow icon and the home page icon

Post both in this entry and explain your choice. 

I chose the left arrow and home page as my example because I know a lot of people recognize them and it's used daily. The left arrow icon means go back to the previous website page and the home page means go back to the very first page when you opened the Internet.

What is the difference between copyright and public domain?
Copyright is the legal right given to a company to print, publish, perform, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. Public domain is the state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole and is not subject to copyright.

How can you avoid plagiarism in this class?  In other classes?

People can avoid plagiarism by not copying other people's work and words, but if they do people must give credit to the original artist. Same goes with other classes.

Post #3

What is OSHA? What do the letters stand for? 
OSHA is used to describe signal words and is responsible for worker safety and health protection. OSHA stands for O-ccupational S-afety H-azard A-dministration 

How can graphic designers effectively communicate? In your own words, explain the communication process.
Graphic designers communicate via social media, radio, or by advertisements.The communication process help graphic designers by sending out their messages/ideas they had. Like if a designer drew a new symbol or icon and they wanted to show the world their brilliant idea, they would use the communication process to do that. They can communicate by using typed or image-based design.  

Understanding the history, culture and movements of fine and graphic arts will make you a better producer of visual messages. Why? Because with a better understanding of fine and graphic arts people can come up with new ideas easily and they have more connections. It's easier for them to find jobs, become experts in art and can help others.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Post #2

Video #1: Elements of design

What does it take to create a good design?
People must understand the elements and principles of design to create good graphic design.

What is the difference between elements and principles?
Elements are components that are isolated and things we add to actual designs. Principles tell us how to organize those elements on a page or screen.

Name the six (6) elements of design. Line, shape/form, space, texture, value, color

What can lines aid in, when alone or combined with other lines or shapes?
Lines can aid in appearance, readability, and message of a design.

Which lines suggest a feeling of rest? Why do you think?
Horizontal lines suggest a feeling of rest because when we see most lines they are straight and it's easy to spot these lines and it does not confuse people.

Vertical lines communicate a feeling of what? Why do you think? 
A feeling of loftiness because the line is up and down and the meaning of loftiness is height.

What lines suggest a feeling of movement? Why do you think? 
Diagonal lines because its like gravity or dancers. Dancers move around a lot and gravity lifts people up in space in a diagonal way.

Soft, shallow curved lines suggest what? Why do you think?
They suggest comfort, safety, and relaxation because the lines are smooth and they let people relax. People don't have to look for those lines and go crazy.

These lines suggest confusion and turbulence? Why do you think?
Deep, acute curve lines suggest confusion and turbulence because they are like violence of waves in a storm. Too much curves are happening in the picture and people will get confused.

What element defines a specific area of space? What is the difference between two dimensional shapes and three dimensional shapes? 
Shapes. 2-D shapes are flat and have width and height, while 3-D shapes have width and height + depth.

Describe the difference between geometric shapes and organic shapes? 
Geometric shapes are structured and symmetrical, while organic shapes are irregular and fluid. Organic shapes are also found in nature and man-made.

What are abstract shapes?
They are stylized or simplified versions of natural shapes. Example: wheelchair symbol.

Which basic shape projects an attitude of honesty or equality? A square

What do triangles suggest? They suggest action or even stability

Circles convey feelings of what? Protection or infinity

Describe positive space and negative space? What is texture? Incorporating texture into a design can help do what? What is value?

Positive space refers to objects and elements used in design. Examples: text, graphic, lines, photos, or shapes. Negative space (white space) refers to the shapes around and between those objects and elements. It also gives a place for the eye to rest. Texture refers to the actual of a design with a reader able to feel the texture of the paper and materials in the printed design. Incorporated texture can help create feeling of richness and depth. Value is the degree of light and dark in a design and give objects depth and perception creating illusion.

What is another name for value? What can the element of color do when incorporated into a design? Another name for value is tone. The element of color can convey moods, create images, attract attention, and identify objects.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Post #1

Why did you take this class? What goals do you have for the class?

I decided to take this class to make stickers and to gain more experience with computers. I know later in the future as I become a web designer or work in a computer science field, I would realize that this class was worth taking! The goals I have for this class are to make stickers, create my own website, become familiar with basic uses on the computer, and most importantly have fun!