Monday, December 1, 2014

Post #12

Video #3 Principles of Design

Define principles of design? 
Principles of design are guidelines for using elements of design. 

What do the principles of design affect?
They affect how we use elements of design effectively.

What is the difference between the principles of design and C.R.A.P.? How can contrast help a design?
Principles of design are guidelines for using elements of design while C.R.A.P. are principles that are applied to an artwork that will make or break a design. C.R.A.P. stands for contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Contrast help a design by creating a focal point and without it the pieces in an artwork will get lost.

What is wrong with having too much or too little contrast in a design?

Too much or too little contrast in a design will be too overwhelming for an audience or they will lose interest.

What is the key to working with contrast? 
The key is to make a design easily visible with contrast and don't use too much or too little. 

What are some common ways of creating contrast?

Some common ways to create contrast is by using black and white in a design and use complementary colors. 

What is the principle of repetition? 

The principle of repetition is repeating designs/images over again and again. 

Describe ways that the principle of repetition helps the composition?

Repetition helps the composition by making it easier for a design to stand out because all the images are the same. 

What are ways that you can incorporate repetition into your designs? 

We can incorporate repetition into our designs by placing the images into the design and making them different sizes and colors.

What should you avoid when working with repetition? 

We should avoid same colors schemes and sizes when dealing with repetition because we need to find a balance between repetition and contrast.

What is the principle of alignment? 

Alignment is centering, using lines, and making everything straight. 

What is the principle of proximity? 

We can use proximity to create alignment and proximity is using related elements like email address and phone number. 

What is the principle of proportion?

Proportion is relation in size and parts. We use this to make objects in a design look good. 

Define symmetrical balance?

It is having equal weight and size of a object in a design. 

What is another name for asymmetrical balance? 

Another name is informal balance. 

Define asymmetrical balance? 

It is lacking symmetry and does not have identical parts.

What is a focal point and how is it created?

A focal point is the element in a design that catches attention and is the main center of attention. It is created by colors, tones, and composition. 

How many components of a composition can be a focal point?

More than one component of a composition can be a focal point. 
What ways can emphasis be created in a design?

Emphasis can be created in a design by adding color, value, and shapes in a design.

What is the principle of harmony and how is it different from unity?

Harmony is using similar elements in a design like lines and shapes, but is used like a reflection. It is different from unity because it does not deal with balance and symmetry. 

What is the principle of unity? What three ways can unity be obtained?

Unity is using all the elements to make a completed design. 3 ways it can be obtained is by united voices, strategic colors, and texture. 

What is the principle of variety?

By using variety an artwork can be unique. 

What three ways can a designer add variety to a design?

A designer can add variety to a design by using different pattern, color, and size.

Post #11

Who is Andy Warhol? 
He was an American artist who was famous for using pop art in his artwork.

Within what art genre did Warhol work? He worked with pop art.

Define the genre? 
Pop art deals with modern art like magazines, movies, cans/bottles, and popular music.

During what years was he alive? 
He was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and died on February 22, 1987 in New York City, New York at age 58.

Post 2 samples of his art. Answer the following questions for each piece.

Title of the piece? 
The artwork on the left side is named Marilyn Diptych and the one on the right is named Campbell's Soup Cans.

Describe the color that he utilizes. Does he use any particular color scheme?
For the Marilyn Diptych artwork, Andy Warhol used contrast, brightness, black and white, yellow, pink, and sky blue. For the Campbell's Soup Cans he used red, silver, and white color for the cans.

What do you notice about the artwork itself?
I noticed that Andy Warhol's artwork is very simple and his artwork repeats itself. The color schemes go well together too.