School: Location: Graphic Majors: Admission Requirements:
The Art Institute 2900 31st Street Computer Animation Application essay & fee
of California- Santa Monica Media Arts & Animation Interview
Santa Monica California, 90405 Visual Effects & High school transcript
Motion Graphics Portfolio
Graphic Design
California Institute 24700 McBean Graphic Design Letters of Recommendation
of the Arts Parkway, Valencia, Character Animation Portfolio
CA, 91355 Art and Technology High school transcript
Artist Statement
California State 800 North State Entertainment Art/ SAT or ACT subject tests
University- College Boulevard Animation Online Application + fee
Fullerton Fullerton, CA, 92831 Illustration
Graphic Design
California State 1250 Bellflower Blvd Graphic Design SAT or ACT subject tests
University- Long Beach, CA, Studio Art Online Application + fee
Long Beach 90840 Illustration/Animation Track
Fashion Institute 919 South Grand Ave. Digital Media Application essay
of Design & Los Angeles, CA, Graphic Design High School transcriptMerchandising- 90015 (Branding or Entertainment) 3 Letters of
Los Angeles Recommendation
Also, answer the following questions in your own words.
What is a portfolio?
A portfolio is a folder of your artwork and paperwork
What is the importance of a portfolio?
Portfolios make you unique because it has all your work and colleges look at them to consider you for their school.
Portfolios make you unique because it has all your work and colleges look at them to consider you for their school.
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